A downloadable game

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This is an adventure for the ENDEAVOUR roleplaying game. ENDEAVOUR is a playset for the PARAGON system. You will need a copy of both ENDEAVOUR and the AGON rulebook to play this adventure. Refer to agon-rpg.com for more information.


You are to be the guests of honor for the upcoming Royal Tallis Military Tattoo. Accompanying you are the ICF Flight Demonstration Squadron, who have been training with their Tallist counterparts in preparation for a joint performance. During the show, however, you find yourself at the scene of a horrific accident.

In this adventure for the ENDEAVOUR roleplaying game, you will face a series of difficult choices as you investigate the cause of the accident and try to determine who will ultimately be held responsible. How will you respond when tragedy strikes? What price are you willing to pay to ensure that justice is done? How will you balance the cost of individual sacrifice against the cost of damage done to the ICF's reputation? 


Included are two versions of TALLIS:

  • A full-color version that is intended for use on screens. 
  • A "half-color" version that can be printed and assembled into an eight-page booklet.

Both versions feature a full-color cover and a three-page (A5 size) description of the adventure. 


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

tallis_full_color.pdf 1.7 MB

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